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Recreation Commiittee Meeting Summary 4-16-2014
Minutes of the meeting of the Newbury Recreation Committee held on April 16th, 2014:

Attendance: Warren Manter, Chairman of the Newbery Recreation Committee; Rich Capolupo, Newbury Recreation Committee member; Bill Wendt, Newbury Recreation Committee member Rebecca Takesian (taking minutes for Diane Manter who was unable to attend meeting) Newbury Recreation Committee member; Joe Story, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen; Frank Remely, Finance Committee member; Linda Allen, Finance Committee member.

The meeting began at 7:15pm.  Past meeting minutes were then approved.~

Warren Manter gave update on status of field house, septic, and town meeting article for funds to finish the field house on Manter Fields.

Joe Story, Frank Remely, and Linda Allen shared ideas on what is necessary for the NRC to do in order to get support and approval for the project from the town boards.

Warren Manter gave reviewed for committee and attendees how money was disbursed last year and what the projections were for upcoming season.

Frank Remely discussed with the group 501c3 nonprofit possibilities and Frank Remely and Joe Story discussed the implications of CPA (community preservation act) and what it could do for the NRC.

Next we discussed the field conditions and how and when to notify teams about field closing due to inclement weather.  Presently, a group email approach is controlled by the NRC and used to notify teams due to the fact town hall is closed Friday-Sunday.  The group email approach was approved by the NRC for the foreseeable future.  (Motioned by Manter, seconded by Takesian, approved by board members)

Finally, Warren Manter made the motion to go through the process of going to the town’s fall meeting to seek funding to finish the field house on Manter Fields for any amount not to exceed $250,000. (Motioned by Manter, seconded by Capolupo, approved by board members).

Discussion on how to circulate petitions to support completion of the field house took place with the request that all members, field users, and attendees share the responsibility for getting the necessary signatures.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm with a motion by Warren Manter that was seconded by Bill Wendt.

Respectfully submitted,~

Rebecca Takesian, Newbury Recreation Committee Member~